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Have a great summer!

YTN’s switchboard will be closed from 18 June to 4 August. If you have any questions about our training events or online service, you can contact us by email at

In employment relationship and legal matters, please contact your own union.

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Have a great summer!

The Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff YTN

YTN is a private sector negotiation organisation at Akava. We are responsible for the negotiations and contracts on behalf of professional and managerial staff.

We also make national collective agreements with employer organisations as well as company-specific agreements.

Check the collective agreement of your branch

The Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff YTN

The Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff YTN

YTN is a private sector negotiation organisation at Akava. We are responsible for the negotiations and contracts on behalf of professional and managerial staff.

We also make national collective agreements with employer organisations as well as company-specific agreements. As members, we have 20 Akava unions, through which we represent nearly 178,000 people engaged in expert and supervisory work in different sectors.

Learn about YTN’s operation

In English