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You can find our collective agreements here.

Our Board has set general targets for negotiations that are important to us in every sector, including the so-called non-contractual sectors.

  1. Purchasing power must be increased
    The salary raises agreed with contracts must exceed the projected inflation and possible taxation changes. The raises must include a general increase element, which must be clearly larger than the possible instalment issued by the employer. The instalment issued by the employer must be clearly defined in relation to the purpose and information available. The issuing of raises must have a binding fall-back term.
  2. Proper terms and conditions for remote work
    Experts must have the extensive right and opportunity to decide on when and where they perform their work. Working hours monitoring and flexible working hours must also be available to experts, regardless of the place where the work is performed. The contracts must strengthen the employer’s obligation to ensure that the insurance coverage for remote work is on the same level as in the workplace, the employer’s obligation to ensure good ergonomics, the employee’s right to use the employer’s tools, and the employee’s right to define the start and end of journeys to work. The employee must have the confirmed right to work remotely of their own free will.
  3. Working hours are part of expert work
    Management of working hours balance limits must be enhanced. Once an employee’s accumulated balance limit is reached, the employer must, together with the employee, discuss the reduction of balances and how work that exceeds the balance maximum limit must not be performed. When calculating the amount of working hours, all work must be taken into account, independent of where and when it has been performed. If the so-called working-hours trimmers are used, it must be ensured that once a balance is full, the supervisor and the senior salaried employee discuss the ways of getting the balance below the maximum limit.
  4. Family leave update
    In the contracts, family leave must be reformed according to the spirit of the upcoming legislation. Gendered terms must be replaced with neutral ones and both parents must be provided with the equal opportunity to have equally long paid parental leave. Both parents’ opportunity and right to a part-time parental leave will be enhanced. Both parents’ chance of participating in the prenatal clinic visits will be improved.
    Grandparents must have the right to temporary nursing leave.
    The carer’s leave referred to in the Employment Contracts Act must be paid.
  5. Better well-being and bargaining
    The occupational well-being of experts must be supported in the workplaces. The aim is to have contracts include a provision on a programme for occupational well-being that concerns experts/senior salaried employees. The programme can, for example, address the impact the work, working hours arrangements, and management and supervisor work have on well-being at work.
    Travelling in leisure time must be compensated.
    The opportunities of true workplace-specific bargaining must be enhanced by improving the shop stewards’ protections and access to information in a manner appropriate for the contract branch.

Further information about our objectives can be requested from Chairperson Teemu Hankamäki, Negotiations Manager Petteri Oksa and the experts of our different contract branches.

In English