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Main issues: wage increase and compensation for travelling



Main issues: wage increase and compensation for travelling outside of working hours

The negotiators of YTN have been at the National Conciliators office today Monday 31st of October in the morning and continued negotiations in the afternoon after a short break.

The parties of the labour dispute are still very far from each other. The employer side does not want to give senior salaried employees general increases similar to those agreed with the Metalworkers’ Union and the Union Pro. Neither are they willing to agree a compensation for travelling outside of working hours which is an important issue for senior salaried employees.

It is very likely that the National Conciliator Esa Lonka shall give his proposition for an agreement today.

The background group for YTN technology industry shall meet today 5 pm and board of YTN from 7.30 pm. They shall deside whether to accept the possible proposition of the National Conciliator. If the proposition is not acceptable the strike will begin tomorrow 1st of November at 6 am.

If we are forced to begin the strike, the reason is:

  • Employers wish to deside themselves who gets the locally divided wage increases. YTN demands that wage increases shall be divided equally to everyone.
  • Employers do not want to give senior salaried employees any compensation for travelling outside of working hours.

When everyone working in a strike company joins the strike, the strike will be more effective and shorter. Everyone matters!

YTN demands a similar wage increase model as in Metalworkers’ and Pro’s agreements

The comprehensive income policy agreement created a glass ceiling for sectoral negotiations. In the comprehensive income policy agreement there’s a cost effect of 2,4 percent for the first 13 months and 1,9 percent for the next 12 months.

Metalworkers and Pro got their wage increase model after a strike of four days. There are also portions to be divided locally in their agreements (this year 0,8% and 0,6% next year) but employer is not able to deside unilaterally how to divide them.

If an agreement is not reached locally with the shop steward, this local portion shall be given to everyone as a general increase.

YTN demands a similar model but the employer side does not want us to have this.

YTN thinks the cost effect of 1,4% is too large to be divided locally by the employer.

It is now a matter of wage increases for everyone working in the technology industry.

Qualitative improvements shall lessen the wage increase

The cost effect is not the same as general increase. Wage increases and qualitative issues should be agreed within the frame of the comprehensive income policy.

All qualitative improvements shall be deducted from the general cost effect, so the wage increase shall be smaller the more qualitative improvements would be agreed.

If the frame of the comprehensive income policy agreement is fulfilled, an extra lump sum of 150 euros. In order for the frame to be fulfilled enough agreements and unions must reach agreements within the frame.

The collective agreements in the frame of the comprehensive income policy agreement must be done by 25th of November or the comprehensive agreement shall lapse.

If the frame is fulfilled the government shall do their part

If enough agreements and unions stay within the frame, the government has agreed a package of their own.

Government has promised tax reductions for employees and for industries.

In addition government offers a lengthening of the paternity leave for two weeks, cancel cuts in job alternation leave and improvements to employment benefits.

The dispute about education leave of three days shall be solved by a working group by next May.

Follow the YTN webpage!

By tonight we shall know whether the strike shall begin so follow YTN webpage, your email and the media.

YTN is also on Facebook

YTN shall pay strike pay of 50 euros.

If the strike would drag on OP, Nordea and Sampopankki grant strikeloan with slightly better margins than normal. Check loan terms!

You can also ask other banks about strikeloans.

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