YTN’s EPA sector comprises companies and organisations which are organised under the employer union Service Sector Employers Palta (Palvelualojen työnantajat Palta ry). The former employer union was Liikenne- ja Erityisalojen Työnantajat ry (LTY).
Palta’s special service sector has a common collective labour agreement for all salaried employees on monthly wage.
The collective labour agreement is from the employees’ side signed by the Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff – YTN, Julkisten ja hyvinvointialojen liitto JHL ry (the Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL) and Palkansaajajärjestö Pardia ry (Federation of Salaried Employees Pardia), and from the employers’ side by Service Sector Employers Palta.
Approximately 13,000 work within the common salaried employees’ agreements in the EPA sector The biggest employers are VTT Oy, Metsähallitus, Senaatti and Finavia Oyj.
The collective labour agreements in the industry are available on Collective labour agreements. In addition to the collective labour agreements, it has been possible to agree on matters locally within companies.